
User Guide for duke bot

  1. Features
    1.1 Say bye to duke: bye
    1.2 Find a task: find
    1.3 Delete a task: delete
    1.4 Create a todo task: todo
    1.5 Create a deadline task: deadline
    1.6 Create a event task: event
    1.7 List your tasks: list
    1.8 Find out statistics: stats
    1.9 Says hi to duke: hi
    2.0 Mark your task done: done
  2. Command Summary

    1. Features

1.1 Say bye to duke bye

Exit the program.

Input instruction:


1.2 Find a task find

Find the expected task with given keyword.

Input instruction:

find + keyword

Example of usage: find homework

1.3 Delete a task delete

Delete the expected task with given index in the task list.

Input instruction:

delete + index

Example of usage: delete 1

1.4 Create a todo task todo

Create a task that you are going to do and store in the tasklist.

Input instruction:

todo + task content

Example of usage: todo play games

1.5 Create a deadline task deadline

Create a task with a deadline

Input instruction:

deadline + task content + /by + YYYY-MM-DD

Example of usage: deadline finish homework /by 2020-05-12

1.6 Create a event task event

Create an event

Input instruction:

event + task content + /at + YYYY-MM-DD

Example of usage: event celebrate holiday /at 2020-05-12

1.7 List your tasks list

Show the list of tasks

Input instruction:


Example of usage: list

1.8 Find out statistics stats

Show the number of task completed

Input instruction:


Example of usage: stats

1.9 Says hi to duke hi

Greet the bot and it will greet you back

Input instruction:


Example of usage: hi

2.0 Mark your task done done

Mark your task done

Input instruction:

done + index

Example of usage: done 1

2. Command summary

Action Format, Examples
Find Task find keyword
e.g.,find homework
Delete Task delete index
e.g.,delete 1
Todo Task todo description
e.g., doto play games
Deadline Task deadline description /by YYYY-MM-DD
e.g., deadline finish homework /by 2020-05-12
Event Task event description /at YYYY-MM-DD
e.g., event celebrate holiday /at 2020-05-12
List Task list
Stats stats
Done done index
e.g., done 1
Bye bye

//@@author dcchan98-reused //Reused from https://github.com/dcchan98/ip/blob/master/src/main/java/Storage.java with minor modification

public void writeToFile(Task myTask, int todoNum) {

     createToDo("ToDo/item" + todoNum + ".txt");
     try {
         ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("ToDo/item" + todoNum + ".txt"));
     } catch (IOException e) {
 } public Task readFromFile(String fileDir) {
      Task myTask = null;
      try {
          ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(fileDir));
          myTask = (Task) in.readObject();
      } catch (IOException | ClassNotFoundException e) {
      return myTask;
  } public void updateDirectory(TaskList myTaskList) {
      // deleting all files in directory
      File dir = new File("ToDo");
      File[] myItems = dir.listFiles();
      for (File child : myItems) {
          if (child.toString().substring(0, 9).equals("ToDo/item")) {
              Path path = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(child.toString());
              try {
              } catch (NoSuchFileException x) {
                  System.err.format("%s: no such" + " file or directory%n", path);
              } catch (IOException x) {
      // repopulating directory with that in arraylist taks
      for (int i = 0; i < myTaskList.getTasks().size(); i++) {
          writeToFile(myTaskList.getTasks().get(i), i);
  } //@@author dcchan98-reused